Clinical Analysis Laboratory in Angra do Heroísmo




It received its first patient on March 20th, 1975. Its founders were Dr. Adelino Paim de Lima Andrade and his wife Dr. Ana Maria Mendonça Machado Sousa Andrade, thus being its first Technical Director from the very beginning.

It features great facilities, in prime city location, with a good service area, composed of two waiting rooms and two collection rooms, bearing in mind the well-being of its patients and the quality of service required.
Following the scientific developments in diagnostics, the laboratory is equipped with the appropriate materials and features the necessary resources to carry out tests in the fields of Biochemistry, Microbiology, Haematology, Immunology and Endocrinology. Having as its activity the conduction of Clinical Tests, it has always been dedicated to providing services on the Terceira Island, seeking, at all times, the ease of contact with its patients. In this context, it has collection points in Vila de São Sebastião, in Vila das Lajes and in Praia da Vitória, all duly certified, in order to cover a significant area of the Island.
The Laboratory is Certified according to the ISO 9001 Standard and the Clinical Laboratory Standards since 2003, by APCER, with the following Quality Policy:

At the service of the community of the Terceira Island since 1975, the Laboratório de Análises Clínicas Adelino Andrade & Sousa, Lda, has always been governed by the principles of good service, seeking: the full satisfaction of its patients and employees; a good understanding with its suppliers and the ever desired cordiality among professionals in the same field.
De acordo com a experiência adquirida ao longo dos anos e tendo em conta a indispensável evolução, o L.A.C. Adelino Andrade & Sousa, Lda assume o compromisso da concretização dos seus objectivos recorrendo:
  • According to the experience gained over the years and taking into account the necessary progress, the L.A.C. Adelino Andrade & Sousa, Lda is committed to achieving its goals by. Performing and complying with the procedures documented according to the state of the art in clinical tests, thus promoting its permanent updating whenever their effectiveness, safety, or scientific validity is concerned;
  • Investing in the development of human resources by promoting their continuous education;
  • Fostering the involvement and collaboration of all laboratory staff;
  • Assessing its suppliers, on a continuous basis;
  • Monitoring and improving its Quality System.
TAll activities carried out at L.A.C. Adelino Andrade & Sousa, Lda are developed according to the professional code of ethics, the Clinical Laboratory Standards, the ISO 9001 and the applicable legislation in force.